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Building Climate Resilience


Building Climate Resilience

As a changing climate causes shifts in our social, ecological and economic systems, our attention steers toward projects that mitigate the impacts of climate change. We emphasize the protection of climate refugia, areas that provide a buffer from climate change impacts, especially in larger blocks of intact habitat. Areas with high potential as climate refugia include old growth and intact forests on north facing slopes, riparian areas, wetlands, properties at lower- and middle-elevations, wet coastal mountains and properties that include pronounced elevation gradients. The Land Trust also prioritizes refugia that help establish habitat connectivity and migration corridors. Due to our proximity to the Pacific Ocean, we consider the impact that sea level rise will have on our coastal ecosystems and communities. By securing conservation areas, we promote carbon storage, clean air, and cold, clear water required for all species, including humans.

Questions about climate change? This guide holds answers and methods that are helping make a difference.
