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Wild Rivers Land Trust Receives New Land Donation on Bagley Creek

Wild Rivers Land Trust Receives New Land Donation on Bagley Creek 

November 4, 2021 

Port Orford, Oregon 

Wild Rivers Land Trust (WRLT) is delighted to announce our latest land acquisition on Bagley Creek, a tributary to the Wild & Scenic Elk River. 

Forty acres of diverse forest along Bagley Creek, a tributary to the Elk River, was graciously donated by two brothers, Ted and Jim Labbe. Ted and Jim are supporters of the protection and restoration of native fish in the Elk River Watershed. WRLT worked with the Labbes to protect this stretch of Bagley Creek and the surrounding forest, which will be managed to provide fish and wildlife habitat, clean water and biodiversity. This area was identified as a priority for restoration and protection of salmon habitat in the Elk River Coho Recovery Strategic Action Plan*. 

WRLT is currently working on other restoration projects along the Elk River in the vicinity of Bagley Creek that will add critical spawning habitat for Coho salmon and remove a fish passage barrier to upper Bagley Creek. This barrier is one of the last remaining fish passage impediments in the Elk River Watershed. Another goal of WRLT is to build a corridor of protected properties in the area. Protecting this land and waterway as a preserve is precisely the nature of the work and reason the Land Trust was established. 

Thank you to Ted and Jim Labbe and to all of our supporters who help us make a difference on the southern Oregon coast. Together, we are keepers of this wild place. 

To learn more about Wild Rivers Land Trust, visit the website:, Facebook page at or call the office at 541-366-2130. 

*For more information on the Elk River Coho Recovery Strategic Action Plan, visit the "Conservation Priorities" section of our website at 

Wild Rivers Land Trust is a 501c(3) non-profit organization, accredited by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission in 2019, working to secure Oregon’s legacy of clean waters, healthy habitats and working lands for future generations. 
