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Give Money

Your gifts, both large and small, help us to achieve our mission of sustaining the waters and lands that keep all creatures alive and well.

There are several ways to give a gift that you may want to consider:
Donor Advised Funds - administered by a public charity created to manage donations from an organization, families or individuals.
Qualified Charitable Distributions/QCDs - individual donors can contribute up to $100,000 per year in QCDs, as long as that individual is 70½ years old or older. A qualified charitable distribution allows you to lower your adjusted gross income (AGI) while also satisfying the required minimum distribution (RMD) amounts set by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Corporate Matches - corporate philanthropy matching an individuals designated amount out of their after tax earnings; ask your employer.
Payroll Deductions - individual designates amount and charity to send directly from their monthly paycheck; consult your employer.

See our Estate Planning section for more ideas on how to create a legacy and help your local land trust now and into the future.

We are grateful for your generous support.
