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Share Local Knowledge

What We Do

Sharing Local Knowledge

Wild Rivers Land Trust values the wisdom developed by multi-generations of landowners and business owners who have built a thriving local economy. The Land Trust’s intent is to help maintain the triple bottom-line—ensuring the health of people, the planet, and the economy—by integrating economic prosperity through  environmental stewardship  to support coastal  communities.

We are committed to knowledge sharing and to communicate the best practices of conservation land stewardship through print materials, films, presentations, on-line and in social media.  As global climate change is a pressing issue, we share how the Land Trust's work directly contributes to carbon capture and building resiliency in regional ecosystems. Our goal is to use conservation as a means to promote ecosystem adaptation to alleviate climate pressures. If you would like to host a presentation or film night, please contact us—we thoroughly enjoy sharing information on a variety of topics.

“The global environment crisis is, as we say in Tennessee, real as rain, and I cannot stand the thought of leaving my children with a degraded earth and a diminished future.”
― Al Gore

